Tag Archives: ailing

Under the weather………

I have not felt well all day, and of course it is not the right time of year for me to be getting sick. I came right home after services and went to bed, and though it is just 8:00 pm here, I am up only to type this…..then back to bed. Everyone else will be finishing up decorating the house for Christmas, but as for me, they will just have to Photoshop me into the pictures! I clearly am not going to make it.

I do have a few days left until Christmas. They will be helpful for me in terms of getting some rest and getting better. Sure, I still have Christmas shopping to do (after all, though I am a priest, I still am a guy too). But there are no real pressing issues that will “require” my time. I hope to be good to go on Christmas Eve.

I don’t really have too many tough days, so though I feel bad I still know how very blessed I am. But for now, me and my blessed yet worn out body will lay down yet again. Tomorrow will be another day and hopefully a better one.

An early goodnight to you all, and God Bless!

Fr. Tom+