Tag Archives: age

Of flying time and dreams of rest………

Today has come and gone, and it seems as if I just got up! I do not know why that happens, but I do know that I very rarely hear kids speak that way, just adults.

It’s not just the days either, it’s years. When did I get to be 47 and why do I have to think pretty hard of what age I am now anyway?? Does it really have to be that way? It just give my kids ammunition to verify that I am getting old and confused! And often I tend to believe it myself. I am mostly sharp when no one else is around, and my memory of my athletic career is far more spectacular in those times as well!

I am hoping and praying to have a long relaxing day sometime soon, you know, the kind where you feel great and where you think it is much later than it really is……..only to find you have lots more time to enjoy the day than you thought! Oh for that kind of day! I suppose we all would like that though. Hopefully it can come true for us all.

Anyway, maybe at least I can get some sleep! The day is done, everything is ready for tomorrow, and only the stair are between me and my bed. I will give it a go! Hopefully you have had a blessed day!

Goodnight my friends, and God Bless.


Swatting at the oldies…………

Yikes! I was just thinking about Stephanie graduation from high school in 2010 and then Scott in 2011, when while reminiscing I realized before that ever happens I will go to my 30th reunion. (and my 25th for college!) Who would have thought I would live that long? I know my kids think I am ancient, but my classmates I am sure feel I am quite young and spry!

Time sure has a way of flying, not that I have any regrets. I have a pretty good life, and in my 28, I mean 47 years, I have packed a lot in. Sure, there are some things I would have liked to have done (none of them illegal). But when I think about gathering together with my classmates of Mishawaka High next summer, it will not be to impress, but to rejoice and remember! Many of us still keep in touch through an Internet group someone created, and I have to tell you I am blessed. I really grew up with some fine people. I know not everyone can say that, but the small town I grew up in (it is no longer small) couldn’t have been better. I am proud to have come from there.

Anyway, I will get back to marveling at how old I am. I am not quite ready for plaid Bermuda Shorts and black socks, but I know I am older certainly than I was. But I truly love every age, and I love my life. God has blessed me with a wonderful life…….or as my kids would tell you, maybe I am just too old to know the difference.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.

Fr. Tom+