Tag Archives: addiction

Of getting my kids into treatment or not……

I am thinking of taking Ben to a treatment center. He is totally addicted to Veggietales. Of course Steph and Scott knowing every song does not help. They are enablers to be sure. But I suppose of all the things to have an addiction to, religious singing/dancing vegetables is not something to lose sleep over. I, in fact, am a big fan.

For those of you who have not seen Veggietales I encourage you to. They are brilliant, and not just for little kids……the humor (and even the lessons) can touch the souls of adults too. We own quite a few DVDs and have the movie “Jonah.” And yes, on October 11th I will pick up our reserved copy of the long awaited “The Pirates Who Don’t Do Anything.” (They don’t even sail!)

If you can read this blog you can see them on YouTube or other video sites. And in an era where even Disney is getting a bit risque’ it is nice to have something the kids can watch that you do not need to worry about!

Anyway, I need to get back to my boy and his vegetables. I hope you have had a great day! Goodnight and God Bless!
