Tag Archives: accident

Blessings of an unexpected kind……

On my way to the hospital this afternoon to do a call, I happened to be the first person to come upon a head-on collision that must have occurred just minutes before. It was between an SUV and a full-sized pick-up and it was bad. Both were off the road and the pick-up had sheered off part of a telephone pole. It was a surprise someone wasn’t killed. The man in the SUV was out and walking, but the man in the pick-up, an elderly gentleman was still pinned in by his steering wheel. I was able to lean over him and undo his seat belt that he said was hurting him, but other than that, I was able to do very little. Another passer-by, a woman, stayed there with me talking to him until the EMS arrived.

I would bet that neither of these men imagined this would be their afternoon. The young man was on his way to pick up his daughter, and I know was thankful that she was not with him at the time.

But in looking at it, there was a lot to be thankful for. Both men were alive. Though both vehicles were totaled, hitting the telephone pole the way it happened AND just missing the cables, he actually went between them with just inches to spare, made it an accident and not a fatality. As I left and went to the hospital, I said a prayer and remembered how blessed we all are. After all, things can change in an instant. Everyone I saw today, I am happy to report, will return to their homes again. Praise God!

I am off to hang out with Scotty and Ben! Have a great night and God Bless!


Being thankful for the important and right things……

It has been a stressful day. Amanda and Ben are still out of town, and this morning Steph (who was driving) and Scott got in an accident with two other cars on their way to school. A friend of theirs was also riding in the car, and although no one was hurt, as a parent it still weighs heavily on your heart. I am so very thankful they are all fine. A car we can fix.

But the stress and worry has me struggling to keep things straight! I have a gathering tomorrow to be at in Nashville in the morning at St. Matthew’s, but I am supposed to bring quite a few things with me, and in the fog I am wondering whether or not I will remember. Fortunately people are pretty forgiving and what I do forget, if indeed I do, I can go buy someplace down there.

With all of it though I need to say I must now go to bed. The posting times of these entries do not reflect the time or time zone I write them in. It is now 1:30 in the morning and I am leaving in 6 hours. Stress and too many things happening is never my friend, but I will not make it worse…..I will sign off and go try and sleep.

Thanks for checking in! Say a prayer of thanksgiving with me today! I hope you have had a blessed day!

Good night and God Bless!


The Lord is watching over Barbara……..

Today was a pretty good day. Although I did not have a firm grip on my sermon or my thoughts today (nor yesterday) the day was a victory to me…..and here’s why.

Yesterday I received a call in the early afternoon that one of our parishioners, and good friend, Barbara Lutton had been in a serious car accident in Anderson, and was being life-lined to Methodist Hospital in Indianapolis. Barbara is such a wonderful person, and as we know, being life-lined is reserved for major traumas, so all I knew we could be thankful for was that she was still alive and heading to one of the best trauma centers in the world. Methodist is where they take the race car drivers from the Indy 500, and I just hoped and prayed that she could get there and do well there….and she did!

To see her yesterday was quite a contrast to today. Yesterday she was a mess. She was in bad shape and scared, and so were we. Today, post hours-long surgery, and in her bed in the ICU, she was smiling, talking, and though pretty broken, thankful to God. I told her she made my day, and that was a real understatement! Her smile made me happier than I have been in a longtime! The Lord has truly blessed her, and though her body may be on the mend, there is certainly nothing wrong with her heart…it is still 100% solid gold.

Please pray for Barbara as she begins this long road ahead of her. She will appreciate them more than you can know. I am just thankful that she is doing so much better. The Lord has blessed her, and with his help I am sure she will be up and around in no time!

Thanks for checking in my friends and God bless!

Fr. Tom+