Tag Archives: 46

Let’s say goodbye to 46………..

Well tomorrow is my birthday, and I have to say I am not unhappy about letting 46 go. Though there were definite highlights to the year, such as Ben’s birth, all the things happening with Steph and Scott, and my nomination for an Academy Award (okay, that last one was just a stroke-induced delusion) the stroke has made the last part of this year quite frustrating. As a matter of fact, today was my worst day since having it! I was jittery all day, confused more than normal, my face went all numb again on the left side, and I had to sleep a lot of the day just to heal up. I did get to speech therapy at 4:15 and it was productive, but difficult. Needless to say, I am just so very happy to get to the day’s end (and the 46th year’s end too!)

You know, I can never change the things that have happened, but I certainly can do a lot about what the future brings, and that’s how I want to look at 47 and beyond. Where I come from they use the expression, “There’s no use crying over spilled milk!” And it’s true! It’s really what we do from the spill that’s important!

As for me, I intend to poor myself a new glass, and if that spills I’ll even poor another. Life can be filled with twists and turns, and the Lord never promises us it will be easy. He promises instead to be there with us! I am going to make the most of the time I have, and with His Help I believe 47 is going to be a great year!

But for now, my brain needs some rest, so it’s off to bed. I hope I feel better tomorrow…..after all, it is the last opportunity for cake in my family for quite some time!

God bless!
