Of high blood pressure and the prayers for Godly leadership……..

With my schedule, I have to get most of my news from the Internet, and I have to say that as I have read about the upcoming Lambeth Conference, it is just making my blood boil. Bishops from all over the world are posturing and making their political moves, while real people are neither being fed nor led.

I just finished an article a few minutes ago which cited an interview with Gene Robinson, the gay Episcopal bishop of New Hampshire, who despite not being invited to Lambeth, and despite being one of the primary epicenters of conflict and schism in the Anglican Communion, shoots off his mouth (irresponsibly in my mind) unapologetically and with conviction. AND he heads to Lambeth anyway!

I want to be clear, I do not agree with one bit of Gene Robinson, nor do I find him anything less than offensive, but I will say I believe more conservative Bishops, (and also the ones who confess to be) would be far better off standing with such backbone and conviction. Bishops are supposed to be “defenders of the faith,” but in my experience I have found very few leaders and defenders, and many more weasels and politicians. I did not, and could not be among them. I was convicted in my heart by the Lord to leave the Episcopal Church because of it. I just could not follow opportunistic or immoral leadership.

But even more than that, it points to what we are doing when we follow such errant leadership. The question I suppose is “can we really be living faithfully if we align ourselves by our presence and support, either directly or indirectly, with such rubbish? I don’t think we can. I was always the pastor of good and faithful churches, but it was still a question I had to ask. In the end, I saw the truth. The Bible tells us that you cannot serve two masters. If I was preaching truth but in bed with corruption, well then, I was only deceiving myself. They say that ignorance is bliss, but not when it is risking people’s souls. A paycheck verses my faith and conscience? No no no……I made the right choice. It’s just too bad many of our leaders haven’t been able to make similar ones.

I believe a lot of the leadership I have known has been lost in a sense of their own self-importance over their faith. You cannot complain about what you know is wrong, but then just wait for a time that is safe for you to hop on the train. Lots of guys I knew were doing that, but that’s not leadership. The Lord requires us to pick up our crosses, to do the right thing, and it cannot be just when we find it to be our best opportunity or about what we can lose (such as our cushy offices or our retirements) Jesus indeed requires more.

You know, I will never agree with Gene Robinson, nor any of his cronies. They spout out about all the homophobes, and label priests like me and others in the conservative side of the faith as ignorant, discriminatory, and even intolerant……but I know better. Jesus said, “Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.” (Mt. 5:11-12)

I do not fear where I am at, nor do I regret being here, for though many have led good people astray, I know I am not one of them. So for now I will pray diligently to see Godly leadership step up, speak up, and lead.

But until then I can see that I will need to be watching my blood pressure.

God bless and keep the faith. It’s worth all your efforts, I swear.

Fr. Tom+

One of the good guys has gone home……

I was saddened to hear about the death of Tony Snow over the weekend. Tony was not just a good Christian man, but conservative of my generation who firmly stood for his beliefs with both conviction and humor. His call of course was the media, and he did it, in my opinion, better than most. And I know I, as well as many others, will miss his leadership for the conservative cause.

Men such as Tony Snow, and I suppose I could argue even Tim Russert, reflected their ideologies in such ways that people would listen and learn. And though Russet’s beliefs were often far from my own, both Russert’s and Snow’s were respectful of everyone. They drew people into conversations on pertinent issues rather than just spewing partisan poison. If the world had more of them, I’d just bet we’d be far better off. Both were men of deep faith, and that in itself was a witness we need in Washington DC and far beyond if you ask me!

But as I watched some of the coverage of Tony Snow’s death, it brought a lot back a lot of memories for me. His interviews after his first bout with cancer reminded me a lot of my two sisters that have died from cancer, particularly my sister Stephanie.

You know, sometimes people who know they are dying can teach us a lot about living. I know my sister did. She CHOSE to live everyday because she knew that everyday counted. I thought about that A LOT when I was sitting in the hospital in April after my stroke, and I still do everyday. Tony Snow, Tim Russert, my sisters, a relative, a friend….it doesn’t matter. It is a lesson we do not want to miss! I know I don’t intend to, and I hope you don’t either.

As for me, I will continue to take the lessons I have learned and move ahead. Everyday still matters to me, and I intend to still stand for those conservative causes in which I believe. Life is too short for me not to. But, in faith, I will continue to do it like the great ones have taught me, with good humor, firm conviction, and a faithful and respectful heart.

One of the good ones went home to be with the Lord this weekend. We must say our prayers for him and his family, and to honor his memory, continue to work for the cause.

I hope we all will.

Godspeed to you my friends, and God Bless!

Fr. Tom+

The one that almost got away………..

In my endless attempt to order my life, sometimes things just get away. I try my best to remember everything, and now to do so without the aid of countless lists……but occasionally things just evade me. This blog was my Saturday’s big escape. And although it is dated for the 12th, I actually had to write it on the 13th when I woke up. As I went to bed, it was nagging me, “I am missing something,” I thought. Sure enough, when I went to check it this morning, there it was, or better yet said, there it wasn’t.

You might find it odd that I check it each morning, and if you were here with me, you might find plenty of things to be odd. But when you damage your brain, your mind seeks out paths around the damage and new ways to do things you may have done for years. Getting through each day accomplishing all that I do is something I have done my entire 35 years of life (my ability to tell how old I am is still damaged and I am not going to work on it), but one of the ways I manage each day is through a lot of routine.

Last night however, a lot of new things came into play. We are in a different facility for St. Patrick’s on Sunday and all the extras about that worried me. I did bulletins, picked music, got my vestments ready, went over to take care of our friends’ dogs, went to the store, and then sat down right at the laptop and tried to figure out what I was missing! Isn’t that a hoot??? It was typing on the thing I had my hands on, yet it never came to me! Thank God I am not a surgeon!! My insurance would be pretty high!

No worries though, I was up early enough and I figured it out. Puddy and I came out onto the porch and I typed while she protected our house from both bird and bug. The sunrise was spectacular and I am thankful for the opportunity. God is good, and I know that is one thing I will never forget. I hope none of us ever do. But even in the times that we may mess up a bit, or miss, like I did this blog here which was waiting for me, He is always there to provide another chance!

Thank God….oh yeah, I guess that’s what it’s all about anyway!

God bless! Get up and go meet me at Church!


And the Lord said. “let there be music!”……

Times have certainly changed. I would have never considered 10pm late in younger days, but now it is. I now love sitting out on my porch looking at the trees and the sky wondering why I wasted so many years not paying attention to the beauty of God’s creation all around me, and of course listening to music while I do. As I reflect upon it, it’s no wonder why I am hard of hearing now. Now I like the nice, easy-going contemporary Christian music. But when I was younger and not paying attention to life I was more of the loud and hard variety of listener. I can still sing it all, but in truth, I like the deeper, lasting meaning over all the teenage angst I used to sing about!

So after listening to all the CD’s I have about 100 times, and attempting to connect to all the radio stations I can reach in my car, (but apparently not out on my porch), I was finally able to connect via the Internet to K-Love.com, which is a network/ministry I love to listen to that has stations all across the country. It has been an important part of my life (as have stations such as 98.7 and 97.9 here in central Indiana…and the former 93.9 that Cumulus made into a goober station) but K-Love you can reach from anywhere on the Internet, and I encourage you to give it a try.

Christian radio is different from regular radio, in that it not just gives you something to listen to, but it inspires you and can strengthen your faith as you listen to it as well. People often ask me about my own personal habits, and I confess that Christian radio is a big part of them. If you haven’t listened to it before I encourage you to give it a try!

Okay, enough of sitting out here. I am tired and I am sure my neighbors are tired of all my singing. Nite my friends, and God bless!!


Of walking the right road…….

I was watching the news yesterday and heard a story about how some pregnant couples are doing all they can to make sure their babies are born on August 8th…..so their babies’ birthdays will be 08/08/08. It may be a cool conversation piece, but I really wish people could get it together. Numbers don’t hold the meaning to life, nor do horoscopes, the stars, or mediums. You cannot get where you need to be by reading tea leaves or tarot cards. And if you really want me to get your attention…..lie’s meaning cannot not be found through the likes of Dr. Phil, or God forbid, even Oprah!

Too often people look for life’s meaning in places that can never provide it, and then they wonder why they never seem satisfied. Jesus talks about this very thing to the woman at the well, a woman who just could never seem to get life right. She came to the well seeking water to quench her thirst, yet she found life’s meaning……..for He told her of water to drink that would make it so she would never thirst again. She had been dealing her whole life with only what she wanted, but He was promising her what she needed…….life’s meaning.

Perhaps you too are thirsty, or hungry, or searching for life’s meaning. Do you ever wonder if there is any more to life than just this?? My friend, I promise you there is. But you will not find what you need on a talk show, or in a self-help book, or in numbers or the stars. You can only find it in a relationship with God through His Son Jesus Christ. For true and permanent satisfaction only comes through Him, Jesus, the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

I urge you to come to know Him, if not through one of our Missions, through a good Bible-based Church. There are many of them out there, and they all will address, not wants, but the total satisfaction of what we all truly need!

God bless you my friend.

Fr. Tom+

The Lord indeed provides…..

Thank God for miracles……every time I get frustrated and worried, the Lord provides another one, and it amazes me! I really should have more faith!

We have been looking for a facility to meet in for the next two weeks for St. Patrick’s, our Noblesville/Hamilton County Mission. We have been meeting at the Hamilton County Fairgrounds since September, but with the Hamilton County Fair being held there these next two weeks, we needed a temporary place for these next two weeks to meet. And though we have been looking, our search had not produced anything suitable!

But thank God for State Senator Luke Kenley, who is now allowing us to use one of his properties over these next two week. The old Goodwill store in Noblesville (1950 East Conner) will be our home these next two Sundays at 9:00 am!!! We had been praying for something, and the Lord indeed provided!! And Senator Kenley’s generous offer is appreciated more than you can know! (I’d tell you I’d start voting for him but in fact I always have voted for him! He is a pretty great guy and the one leading the charge on property tax reform in Indiana. We are blessed to have him as our Senator!) Please send him a note if you read this telling him thanks for providing a place for us to hold our services. He does deserve our thanks!

So the next two weeks are taken care of, but another longer-term issue still exists. We are in deep need of a permanent location for St. Patrick’s, such as a store front, or another building in which we can both worship AND hold classes and such. The fairgrounds is great, and the people there are some of the finest I have ever met, but we rent it each day we use it, and have to tear down and set up each time. It is expensive and time consuming. But a location in Noblesville we could use 24/7, would get A LOT of use on our part and we believe, be a real blessing to our community. We have been looking, and we have been praying. We will keep up our search too!

And like the temporary facility we will be using for the next two week, we believe and know, that the Lord will provide a long-term home!

Have faith, and believe!! I know we do!!

God bless!

Fr. Tom+

AND PS…..and call me day or night if you have a facility for us to use! 317-603-0012

A tribute to our very own Neil Armstrong………

There he stood at the edge of his Playskool walker. It was a moment he had been preparing for his entire life. I swear I heard the words, “One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind,” though all Amanda heard was “ba ba ba.” And then it happened, history was made……Ben took his first step all alone.

Of course my attempts to alert the media fell on deaf ears! You’d think they would be covering such a big event. But these days if it doesn’t involve Brittany, Lindsay, or some dysfunctional sports figure, then they consider it a “non-event.” To us however, it was and is a pretty big thing.

It comes however despite my warnings to my wife and even to Ben himself. Knowing what I know as a parent of over 16 years, I have asked him (Ben), and pleaded with him to not to begin walking. And it’s with good reason too. Steph and Scott started walking many years ago I have been chasing them ever since. I am older now, and it may kill me to chase another! But alas, no one but me seems to care, so I guess, despite the risk, I’ll be chasing him too, but I will do so with a smile on my face. He’s a pretty cute little baby, and he seems to enjoy the thrill of the steps. Who would want to deprive him of that?

Big steps, big day, big celebration! God is always full of surprises and blessings. I will count this one in the win column as a wonderful and special day! I hope yours has been just as wonderful!

God bless.


Of the Twilight Zone and other family twists and turns….

Scotty asked me this morning if I had blogged about the minor traffic accident that occurred at Church in Nashville yesterday, and I remembered that I had not.

You see yesterday as we were leaving Nashville, (you may remember I drove down and picked up Scotty at Edinburgh where Amanda had taken all the kids to shop while i did a wedding) I had to get out of the car (I was in the passenger seat…Scotty was driving) and get our Church sign and take it back into the Church. Everyone of course thought I had left, but when the sign got hit, I figured it was my responsibility to pick it up and take it in, and of course confess.

And so I did. The sign was fine, bit it was amazing to me at how everyone started to laugh. After all, Scotty had been driving just three weeks, and now “WHACK,” a sign was hit!

But I just smiled and handed Deacon Conley the sign, and said, “No my friend, Scotty didn’t back into the sign…..Amanda did!” And of course that got the biggest laugh of all!

That’s why Scotty wanted me to post, because in truth, he is still laughing! She is all over him about driving safely, and he does, but he is one down on her in terms of hitting signs! And he wanted her, and you to know!

Of course by the time I got outside, She, Steph, and Ben were gone! SO I just got in the passenger seat with Scott and hit the road. He’s a great driver, and is doing quite well. He has not yet driven the car with his brother in it……..Amanda is not yet comfortable with his level of experience.

Scott and I believe she must be waiting for some sign!

Nite and God bless.


Of weddings, cloudy days, and blessings……

Today was a full, but unusual day. I had the service in Nashville of course, but I went there after having the opportunity to celebrate at the blessing of a marriage in Carmel at 1:00pm. Barbara Hansen and Tom Barrick became Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Barrick today in a ceremony outside at the Carmel Civic Center. It was a small but beautiful wedding and it was a real blessing for me to be a part! Thanks for that!
But Amanda and the kids left for the Edinburgh Outlet Mall at the same time I left for the wedding, so I had to meet them there on the way to Nashville. It really didn’t seem like too much for me to do, but after I stopped at Edinburgh to pick up my chauffeur (Scotty) and got to Nashville, about a third of the way into the service, I suddenly felt like I was in a deep fog!!! My sermon, which everybody said was great, was so difficult for me, and even Amanda came up to the front where I was sitting in the middle of the service to ask me if I was okay! I apparently looked like an animal hit with a tranquilizer dart (and I felt like one too) but after checking myself I found no dart….so I think it was just me! These episodes however are for me are frequent, but bothersome. I just keep plugging away however, through them all!
Fortunately for me, my chauffeur (still Scotty) was mine for the rest of the night, which made the 2 hour drive home a lot nicer! And the day, though partially cloudy (in my head), actually turned out very well! I love what I do, and I really love weddings! It is such a joy and a privilege to be a part of such a blessed event!
And now, even though the day is coming to a close, I am hearing one of my blessings suddenly crying from his crib! Life today continues to be full of blessings! And this last one probably needs his diaper changed!
So goodnight my friends and God bless!