Yeah Baby……..

Though it truly seems as if it has taken too long, I am happy to post the evidence that Ben is now sleeping in his own bed for naps. I know we were wondering if he would ever take to it, but it was really far more simple than I thought. I put him in it and I told him to stay there. This has now worked two days in a row. Hopefully this strategy will also work tonight. When this issue is behind us we will then begin to push the potty training once again.
All this is a welcome relief on a stressful day. My dad and his wife Debby are in England and I received word this morning from Debby that dad had been hospitalized with abdominal pain. She said they anticipate him doing well and being released on Monday. I tried calling, which was an adventure in itself since I had never placed an international call before and Amanda, who has, was not home. But after finally figuring it out and getting as far as the nurse’s station, I was told his room phone did not accept international calls and that he was sleeping. I will try again tomorrow.
But for now all I can do is rejoice that Spiderman is now taking to his web, I mean Spiderman bed. He looks so small in a twin, but I remember that about Scott too. And of course Scott now looks small in a king. But Ben is making it all an adventure. He, like all the kids, are a real blessing to us. Scott is on a mission trip for a week and Steph is camping with her friends. Ben in his bed is going to have to do for my cool dad stories for the weekend.
Off to watch him in his pool!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

Finding Emo, and other reflections…….

There’s an old saying, “a watched pot never boils,” which really isn’t true, since it will if you watch it long enough.

Of course I expected Stephanie and Amanda to return hours ago from the registration trip at Lindenwood. It’s just shy of 7:30 pm now and they are just outside of Plainfield…..still about an hour away. I have to admit, I was clock watching, but you never know with those two. When they are having a good time they are “thicker than thieves” (which is an expression I do not think I will ever understand) but when they are a bit tense with each other time flies! They clearly do not miss me, and have taken their “dear sweet time” (yep, another one) getting home. Fortunately Ben is watching “Finding Emo,” which is distracting to him and he will probably have a little “mice cream” in a few minutes. He cannot however share any of it with “Diaper Dog” (Viper) since it is “chocolate” (a drug of some type for women).
As for me, I finally gave in to writing my blog here on the porch with a “vodka tonic” (it makes me less inspired, but better looking) so I will be done for the night when they arrive…..if they ever do.
So in just a short time, things will be back to normal. I will lose importance in the ranks of my youngest now that “mommy” (the object of his every affection) is returning, and I will go back to being “wrong” (what I always am at home) all the time! THANK GOD TOO! It’s the life that I understand, and that I love.
Goodnight and God Bless!


Da rules…….

This has been an UNBELIEVABLE DAY. The kids and I all met Amanda, along with our summer babysitter Anna (one of my lacrosse players, a good one too) down at the Indianapolis airport where Amanda flew in from a business trip from Philadelphia. She and Steph were heading from there to Lindenwood in Missouri for Steph to register for classes, and Scott, Ben, and Anna would head to the Indianapolis Children’s Museum, and Father Dan would pick me up from the airport for a meeting.

It ALL seemed to be going well too, until as Dan and I approached our meeting site when Scotty called to tell em that AFTER waiting 20 minutes in line that the Children’s Museum would not let him take his little brother or Anna in, despite having the funds, because he was only 17 and it was “against the rules.”
Of course I had the absolute dignity to “blow a gasket” because I actually LIVE IN A COUNTRY where we allow all sorts of people to cross our borders and in addition to that we SUE STATES that try to enforce LAW. But this is different……my SON, who wanted to take his 3 year old LITTLE BROTHER to the CHILDREN’S MUSEUM to do radical things like “ride the merry go-round,” and “pay for their admission,” is considered a risk. In fact, he was told that it was “against the rules,” and this denied. I do not know who this was who denied him, but I am CERTAIN I want him as HEAD OF BORDER SECURITY. This guy knows his stuff. After all, if we can keep out the loving 17 year old brothers, we can probably keep out the terrorists.
Sure, Scotty could have LIED…..but that is not what my kids do. He instead ended up taking Ben and Anna to a bowling/game place in Noblesville and blew the same amount of cash, but kept his dignity. I love him for that too. He didn’t compromise himself, and he still spent every penny I gave him! Good job Scotty.
So it’s off to bed for us tonight, and Amanda and Steph will be home tomorrow. We will have the house back in shape before they arrive too. After all, it’s not the law, but it’s the rule……and who wants to mess with that?
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

Just trying to get things done…..

Sometimes when I try to type while Ben is with me, I feel like a hawk with one of those birds that is always trying to interfere. (I believe it is the Montreal Canadien) Unlike the interfering bird, Ben is really trying to be helpful and is really interested in what I am trying to do…….but just like the bird, he is really not all that helpful.

But in truth, he is just lonely for his mom. They are pretty tight, and though we are all on his list of favorites, he really is out of sorts when she is not around. Unfortunately he will just see her for a little bit tomorrow. She will fly into Indy and we will meet her at the airport. She and Steph will then leave from the airport together to go finish registering for classes at Lindenwood in Missouri where Steph begins in just a few short weeks. So this is to say that they will see each other for less than an hour. It will stress him a bit I am sure, but Scotty is taking him to the Children’s Museum right after that….he should recover quickly.
So anyway, I am off to bed to prepare for the big arrival and transition. My little bird is still looking over my shoulder…….but in truth, I wouldn’t want it any other way!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

Slippery when wet…….

Although I was out working today, Ben managed to get a little pool time with Anna, one of my lacrosse players and his summer babysitter. I stopped to see them at the pool for a little while too……they looked miserable, laughing and splashing in the cool refreshing water.

It brought to mind for me how often I forget to take that time for personal refreshment and relaxation myself. Kids don’t do it with any intention, but if one thing is certain, they certainly do it better than the rest of us. If the truth be known, in the short time I watched him, he laughed and smiled the whole time….probably 15 straight minutes of joy. I cannot remember that kind of streak personally for myself, or anyone else for all that matters, and that is a sad commentary on life in general. Maybe I would be better served by wearing a pair of Mickey Mouse trunks and bright orange floaties…..but somehow I think that might be missing the mark.
I sent the photo (taken by Steph) to Amanda on her business trip, and I cannot help but think it will traumatize her. After all, he doesn’t swim and is floating away from the wall or any direct supervisor. BUT, it is pretty funny! He is IN LOVE with water, and had a blast. And though it was not the rest or relaxation I envision for myself, it did make my day! Thank God for the blessing to just be a part for a little while. We are now off to bed, and I am expecting a full recap of that swimming adventure too. Three year olds stall….and what better way than to recount an adventure!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

Alone again….naturally.

This afternoon Amanda hopped onto another airplane for another business trip, leaving us boys to rule the roost. I would like to say that Stephanie is around, and she is, but she is so busy we hardly see her. Amanda will fly in on Thursday morning and we will meet her at the airport with an extra car. She and Steph will head to Lindenwood that afternoon for registration for classes for the upcoming semester. They will arrive home, I think, sometime Friday.

So for now I am just hanging out, really by myself. Scott and Ben are doing something inside, and the dog really prefers them over me. I think they tend to drop more food than I do.
But the blessing is that I have a lot of work to catch up on and a lot to think about. I have had a lot on my mind lately, and I suppose this will be a good time to process a lot of it too. Time seems to just fly by me lately, and it causes me to have to be more reactionary than proactive about my life. That’s no way to live……I need to be able to be more prepared.
So it is off to find out what the boys are doing, since when it is quiet that is an indicator of possible trouble. Let’s hope not…….in my mind our insurance is high enough!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

Happy Birthday America!

Today we celebrate the birthday of this great nation of ours! The blessings we enjoy as Americans are abundant. It is such an honor to live in these United States!

I was able to deacon for both Dan and PT in their first services as priests this morning and then spent the rest of the day with my family. Blessings abound and they are all around us.
My hope and prayer for you is that you enjoyed a wonderful celebration of the 4th! Happy Birthday America, land of the free and home of the brave! May God continue to bless you and all your people!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

Come on, LET’S DO THIS!!!!

I have a young woman who is a member of our church in Kokomo, Christ the King, who has decided to step out and make a real difference. Erin Tidd, who is entering the 8th grade (pictured here with her mom Stephanie) on July 18th will fly to Houston, Texas to take part in “Soul in the City,” which is an outreach program for youth geared to reach out to inner city Houston. Here is the site.

Now before I go any further, let me say something important. Erin is more than just a special young woman for wanting to make such an incredible commitment, she is a leader, in that she in faith is stepping forward FIRST. You see, what connects Erin to Houston is her commitment to her faith and helping all God’s people, but what she brings back is even more significant, because Soul in the City is something next summer and many to follow, we would like to do here.
I am writing my blog tonight to ask you for your support for her. First and foremost, we would appreciate your prayers. It takes a lot to hop on a plane to fly hundreds of miles to a place you’ve never been, to meet people you have never known, and to minister in a way you could have never imagined…..and that is at any age. Let’s remember that this committed young soul is not even yet in high school. And then for her parents to faithfully support this is big as well! I pray and worry when send Scotty to the Kroger! And if Erin is this committed now, you can imagine her influence on others as she makes her way through high school!
What I am asking is for you to help me build a small fund that will pay, not just for Erin on her trip, but for the future of youth work here in Indiana. Anything additional would be kept to use for similar work, and ultimately for us to launch a Soul in the City ministry here in Indiana in the future. The cost of her stay is just $150, her airfare, the transportation, is the rest. All and all, it’s really not a whole lot of money to raise, but it is something I’d hope we would all support! This is SO BIG a deal, and I am asking for your support!
Please consider making a contribution to support this important work. Checks can be sent to St. Michael the Archangel Anglican Church, 149 N. Walnut Street, Westfield, Indiana 46074 and just put in the memo YOUTH MINISTRY. Erin leaves on July 18th. We will keep you posted on the trip and the developments all the way along.
Thank God that there are young people like this in our world! It really gives me a lot of hope!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

The Ordinations!

Although this post will SAY 10pm on July 2nd, if the truth be told, I am writing this from my bed at a little after 1am on the 3rd. I am finally getting around to posting tonight because we didn’t finish up at the church until midnight. I have been home only a short while.

What I can say is that all the work was worth it. PT and Dan we made priests tonight in a glorious service led by Bishop Doc Loomis. The were lots of people there, and all our missions took part in the service in one way or another.
In truth, it was one of the most moving experiences I have ever been a part of. These two men have worked for four years to get to this point, and they are loved dearly by the people. But most of all, they have been called by God to this important ministry and have answered that call faithfully. They are truly amazing men, and are already great priests!
I wish I had a picture too, but I am sorry to say I do not. There was so much going on that I completely spaced needing one for tonight. But as soon as I get one, I will post it.
Anyway, I best hit the bed before the alarm clock rings. I am just thankful for tonight! Congratulations my brothers! We are all very proud of you!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

I cannot bear to watch!!!

Thankfully, June is over for the Tirman family, meaning the birthday celebrations are all over too. The cake is gone, the cookouts (at least the required ones) are finished, and we can get back to normal lives (and sizes) soon.

Okay, Ben doesn’t really turn his head when he looks at me. He actually just was hiding from me taking his picture. He is normally such a ham that when they x-ray him they can see the spirals, but tonight it was “no way.” I didn’t mind though….it was really more of a game, and it was kind of fun.
Tomorrow will be a very busy day, culminating with the ordinations of PT and Dan to the priesthood at 7pm in Anderson. After they are over, I intend to take a deep breath and relax… least until Saturday morning. I intend to post a picture of me with them in tomorrow night’s blog too. I just can’t wait.
But for now I have to go to bed. I have gotten a bit foggy over the past hour or so after a couple of what I would consider pretty sharp days. I need to be sharp for tomorrow too.
So off to sleep I go. Goodnight my friends and God Bless!