The UN-Packer….

It’s funny how things often work out. I had originally intended to take the week off in order to move, and then yesterday my wife reminded me that Ben was not going to daycare this week…..meaning he would be hanging with me. So I am off, but Ben is now officially working for my moving crew.

That’s not a problem though, particularly since he was already a part. He totally stinks at putting things INTO a box, but he’s pretty darn good about taking things out. Unfortunately, we are supposed to be all about packing right now and not unpacking.
We are buying this home from some parishioners who are also good friends. Our closing is yet to be scheduled, but it hopefully will take place in this next week. They have been gracious enough to allow us to move a few of the loose things over that are too difficult for us to pack. We moved a lot of the garage stuff, workshop stuff, and tomorrow kitchen stuff. It sure makes it a lot less stressful.
What I can say is that I am looking forward to next Friday night, when all the stuff will be there and I will be typing this blog from our new home. I hope to God that the computer works at that point. I will miss this back porch, but in the end, it will be a blessing to us all.
Off to bed!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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