Busta move……

Moving day, and though I was not lifting all the heavy furniture, somehow it has not been any less stressful. The movers were great guys, but it took two trips, and for me, the harder work now begins…..like finding everything.

First and foremost, my concern is to find the cat, who made the trip over with me and then promptly disappeared. A first you could hear her “transponder,” because she howled everywhere she went. But soon those howls faded and we have not seen her since. I KNOW she is in here, I just do not know where. I am just thankful I am not looking for one of the kids.
But the good news is that we are in and at least have that behind us. The big job tomorrow will be to get the office finished. I still am responsible for having all the bulletins over at St. Patrick’s today (3 miles from my old house and about 30 from here), but it should be no problem……my office is stacked with boxes and such only about waist high……it could be worse.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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