
All moved in and my office is unpacked. It was a royal disaster trying to get ready for the morning, but I can happily say that the bulletins are printed as are the readings. I will not be able to get up in the morning and just pop over, but the coffee is set for 5:30 and I should be out of here in about an hour to an hour and a half.

But it will not really matter, because for all the hard work I will be going tomorrow I will be returning to even more. I have my upcoming week scheduled around all the unpacking and organizing, but will still be working a full schedule.
One thing I have decided I want to share with you right now. I have downsized a lot in my office, and I made a decision tonight. Over the course of my ministry my office has always displayed two things, one, all the degrees I have earned, awards I have won, and things like ordination certificates and such, and two, pictures of my family.
In my downsizing I have decided to put all the history in a box in the basement in lieu of my family, and I am not just comfortable with that, but committed to it. It reminded me of a story that I laughed about tonight when I remembered it. I was finalist to be a Cathedral Dean a few years ago and someone on the search committee asked me what my greatest accomplishment was…..and without missing a beat I said my children. Clearly even today I would answer the same.
So my office is done, but waiting for us to find all the pictures. Sooner or later they will show up, but for now all those shelves (and there are many) will remain empty. Fortunately for me they are around me all the time!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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