
It has been a busy, and at times, horrifying day. After two services this morning, one in Westfield and another in Anderson, I left to do some visits, one of which just happened to be with my mom who also made a move on Friday between a nursing home in Noblesville to a nursing home here in Anderson.

Actually, I was a bit surprised they wanted to move her on the same day that we were moving, and what kept going through my mind was that it was just too good to be true. Of course adages such as that come back to haunt you, and today was such a day for me. I came into the new nursing home to the familiar little old lady chanting “help me, help me,” but this time it was my mom.
At east she was there, but I have to say that beyond that, not a lot was right. They moved her on time, but with nothing but the clothes she was wearing (that was 2 days ago) and they also didn’t bring her cigarettes, and she has smoked since she was 12, and mostly heavily. So the woman I ran into was not just an Alzheimer’s patient, but now suffering nicotine withdrawal (only since Friday), in someone else’s clothes, and no one even called me.
In the middle of all the ranting and raving coming from her, I asked her what she smoked. She told me and I ran out to get them right away. As I got to the store and said “Misty 120’s” the clerk asked “what kind?” I asked, “how many kinds are there?” “Two.” “I’LL TAKE BOTH!”
The good news is that 2pm my mom at least HAD her cigarettes and at 4pm had her first one since Friday. When I asked her what I could do for her she said “Shoot me.” It’s sounds disturbing, but it was a glimpse of my mom at her old brain’s best…..she was always pretty sharp witted. BUT, after that visits and a trip to Christ the King in Kokomo and St. Patrick’s in Westfield, I made my way to the old nursing home and grabbed all her clothes and cigarettes. And I then promptly delivered them to her.
I really do not know what my mom would remember about today’s conversation or the move. I just know there are a few things she should be able to enjoy. She still smokes, and is a diabetic that cheats at every chance, but that is about all she’s got. Her sharp mind is often absent, but she still reads about a book a day. She is never sure if I am married (Amanda often wishes I were not) and she thinks Ben is still a baby much of the time. But she still deserves her dignity and I hope I was able to recover a bit of it for her tonight. I will never know, but as my grandma (her mom) always says, “regardless of the circumstances, YOU can always do the right thing.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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