Burning the candle…….

Holy smokes I am tired. I am burning the candle on both ends trying to get this house unpacked and the other ready to rent. I am home now, but my car is filled with stuff from the old house, and I will make one more trip there in the morning before heading out to Akron, Ohio for an Installation Service of Father Mike Kraynak as Rector of St. Luke’s in Akron. It is a long trip, though just an overnight, but it will be worth it.

So today there were office calls all morning, two trips and work at the old house with calls on the drives, a lacrosse game, and then dinner with family. My favorite part of course was the dinner. It’s not that coaching the girls is not a blast, because it always is, but it is always fun to have the boys together with my dad. The picture is kind of fuzzy, but it was a fun time.
But now I am too tired to pac (not the deceased rapper), too tired to do laundry, and even too tired to do all the stuff I normally do when I get home…..yep, more tired than an Indy car on a hot day……and even more tired than Lili Von Shtupp (that’s a hard one….think Mongo).
So it is off to bed I go. Tomorrow will hopefully be a more energetic day!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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