There are snakes on that train!

I have been waiting to write about this, particularly since it makes me laugh every time I think about it. I hope it will you too.

On Thursday night, Ben was snaking (a word where I come from meaning to get one’s way through devious means, even when you are 3 and it is obvious) his way into our bed for the night. I finally gave in, grabbed him, and lifted him up between Amanda and me. I then proceeded to remove his slippers, and that’s when it happened……he threw a FIT. So as he was crying and trying to explain (to a guy who qualifies for hearing aids yet doesn’t own a pair) my wife finally explained for him. Apparently he needs to sleep with his slippers on, because he wants to be ready when the Polar Express comes to pick him up. Now I apparently need to watch the movie all the way through rather than bits and pieces.
It was cute, but to make matters worse on the next morning when I was leaving for Akron, Ben woke up adamant that it was Christmas morning. He is his mom’s son, and there is no arguing with him when he thinks he is right, so I just changed the subject. But this is clearly going to be a long month.
But tonight I am home, I got this picture of him in his Polar-ready attire, and although I am still up working, I do believe when I get to my bed I will find that he has already snaked his way in. He does it with everyone…..just ask his brother. But that’s what you get with snakes.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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