Hanging with Cowboy Grandpa…….

Amanda’s dad is here from Kansas, a victim of my wife buying a couple of pieces of furniture and then sweet talking him into bringing them out to her. He and his friend Gary drove the unbelievably long journey yesterday, because she is persuasive and persistent when she wants something. It reminded me of how she begged for months before getting me to propose, but I suppose when something is that worth it, she has to do what she has to do…but I digress.

The good part is that Ben gets to see his grandpa, and to differentiate between her dad and my dad, he calls her dad “Cowboy Grandpa,” which is because he is indeed a real full-fledged cowboy. Of course tonight in all the confusion, I forgot to mention to him that Roy Rogers was actually friends with the people who owned this house some years ago and has stayed here a few times. And I would wake him up to share that information, but who wants to risk being hog-tied to share something can wait until morning?
But Ben is having fun, and so is Cowboy Grandpa. When Amanda and Ben were out in Kansas a few weeks back, I thought to visit, but to apparently by furniture and arrange delivery, it was then that Ben started using the name “Cowboy Grandpa.” My dad, who Ben has always just called Grandpa, Ben is now calling “Hospital Grandpa,” since Ben was with him a few times up at St. Vincent’s when he had surgery over the summer. I am sure that my dad will fix that soon with something like “Zoo Grandpa” (not intended to reflect anything about my brother or sister) or “Brooklyn Grandpa,” or even just “Grandpa” like it has been.
But for now Ben will wear out his Cowboy Grandpa and then they will be on there way home. Of course first we will probably need to get some more furniture. But who’s to complain? Not me…….I’d rather not be hog-tied and set outside. It’s just too cold.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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