Handling depression……..

People have different ways of handling their depression. Some cry, some sleep, others throw themselves into the world of comfort food. But what does one do when their Cowboy Grandpa leaves to return to Kansas? He gets a blanket, his Polar Express movie, and then shares his issues with his dog on the couch in their “office.” And fortunately the dog is a good listener, if you can get by the fact that he always falls asleep when you are talking, because Ben seemed fine by the end of the day. It appears it was all acute. But with toddlers just about everything is. And with Ben, cute is a part of just about every word we use to describe him.

But I suppose you never know how anyone will take things. Amanda was so happy to see her dad. Her dad and I were happy to know she was not going to have us carry any more furniture, and Ben and Scott just had a good time. It seems that is all turned out well in the end.
And for that, on this day, I am thankful.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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