No more lifting…….

Unless someone drops off another piece of furniture here, I am happy to report that ALL our furniture is in place. It took a lot of doing, particularly with everyone gone today, but between meetings I managed to horse all the remaining pieces up the stairs and into place. Thank God!

AND…..tomorrow I will be working from my office at HOME, which is something I have yet to do, but something I am looking forward to. I am really behind with some work things because of the move, and it will be a real blessing to catch up, or at least make a dent in doing so!
There will be an additional blessing tomorrow as well, in that Stephanie is coming home for Christmas break. There will be a big surprise I will write about tomorrow night that she and I know about, but few others. It is going to be an awesome day.
Please keep Scotty in your prayers too. Tonight in the last indoor game of this session, he took a pretty fast shot off the helmet and into the side of his neck. He was pretty dazed by it, and is Motrined-up, and resting in his bed. He is a great goalie, but tonight he did not get a lot of help, which can be pretty dangerous. I am the high school WOMEN’S coach, and although I have an opinion that I will be happy (and sure) to share later with my counterpart for the men’s team, I am not able to intervene. It is a coaching thing, and I hope it can be corrected.
So for now I will enjoy these last few minutes of peace before I head to bed. Tomorrow I am declaring a “furniture-free” day…..and no one could be more blessed by that than me!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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