Making plans………..

It may “look” like an intelligent conversation, but it is not.  Conversation implies a two-way street, and one of them is not talking.  And I will also confess that this is NOT a posed picture as cats cannot and will not pose for anything.  It is just one of those moments that the cat must have found chicken nugget or macaroni and cheese breath worth her time.

But these two are pals.  Our cat “Puddy” (like pudding) has actually mellowed with age.  She is 11 now, but at one time was most probably the meanest cat (or animal) at our vet’s practice.  And after paying to have all four paws declawed, they still got her out of the carrier wearing welding gloves.  She is about 6 pounds of pure fire, and is not to be trifled with.

Ben however loves her, and she Ben.  She sleeps on his bed every night and it is probably meant to be a witness to how tough she is as taking any kind of rest with Ben (whether a nap or when he sneaks into our room) is about as comfortable as sleeping with a zip-tied bag of wet squirrels….he is always moving.

Oh sure he looks sweet in those fake glasses, and sure Puddy looks all docile, but it is an illusion.  These two are the modern day equivalents of “Pinky and the Brain” with no Pinky, two brains, and a lot more ill intent.  He will talk you out of anything he wants and if you don’t comply she’ll bite you. And the scary part is that the two of them hang together.  It is Sharknado at its best, just with fur and delusion.

But if I didn’t have this to write about, what topic could I choose?  The world of these two is pretty cool, and I love walking in it…… least for as long as they let me.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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