Waffles, but no Wiggles…..

Although Ben and I watch “The Wiggles” just about every morning (I LOVE THEM and particularly thing my ideal job would have been Captain Feathersword), our lunch date had nothing to do with them at all…..even though it was waffles. and how did we arrive at waffles? Well, the little snake turned down just about everything else.

So I made his waffles, and when he came down from upstairs, he was in the attire you see in the picture…..Thomas the Train pajamas and a Spiderman hat. Too cool for words I suppose.
But what gets me is what a hit this little fashion-disaster is with the ladies. Now of course I am married, but when I was a single guy I always tried to attract a bit of attention. The Thomas the Train PJ’s and Spiderman hat never crossed my mind. Oh, but to know what I do now! He seems to be a fashion savant.
And now he is in bed, in those same Thomas the Train PJ’s but sans the hat. Oddly enough, he is in MY BED where indeed my wife thinks he is adorable. I am just at a loss for words.
But tomorrow I am getting online. You can get anything on the Internet, and I am going to look for a hat and PJ’s. If you can’t beat them, join them. I will like the attention, and if the truth be told, I am pretty fond of waffles too.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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