In need of the Bishop…..

My Bishop is not just a good friend, but somewhat of a kindred spirit in terms of that twisted personality/sense of humor. Last week for instance, we were in Akron, Ohio together where in between meetings he took pictures of me holding up some of the odd offerings (I felt guilty about using the word “tacky”) we found in the local Christian bookstore.

But today I came upon something I could hardly believe, and I would have called him right then and there, had I not been fascinated by the site. AND, I would have taken a picture of it had I not left my phone in the car with the dog. (He likes to think he may get a call.)
But there, right in front of me, a young Hispanic woman went up to the counter, gave her name, and the female postal worker went back in the back and then after a few minutes returned with a LIVE CHICKEN! It’s the truth, and I was amazed.
You may wonder about my stability, in that the first thing that came to mind was that I wished Doc (the Bishop) were there with me, because he would enjoy this. But that’s exactly what I thought. In fact, I figured no one I know would enjoy this as much as he would, with the exception perhaps of me.
Oh, but it gets worse…..the postal worker apologized because this chicken was actually a day late (apparently flying Delta). I am not totally sure of what was said in the conversation, but I did hear the word refund. I am sure however that it would not be a big refund. If you are flying via the postal service I am guessing it was not first class.
So I suppose tonight I will pray that the poor chicken’s life is a bit more settled and for the Bishop who will be so sorry he missed this.
I am just thankful I didn’t. It made my day.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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