Riding on the Polar Excess…..

With Stephanie home, Ben has been all about hanging with her. They have not just watch “The Polar Express” 500 times together, but today he managed to talk her into sledding in the front yard. Ben had never been sledding, and Stephanie had been out of practice in dealing with her brother, so this was going to be an adventure.

They both laughed their brains out going up and down the hill in our front yard and were both covered with snow. Steph rode with him on the sled quite a few times until he was comfortable, then she pushed him down own his own a few times too.
When I looked for the comfort (really safety) of our “parlor” (no ice cream) I saw them both taking a break at the bottom of the hill. Steph was sitting in the snow, and Ben was bending down to pick something up.
When I said that Steph was out of practice, what happened next proved it. He had picked up a bunch of snow and ran over and threw it on her head. Sure, her mistake was to to trust him, but his was to try and torment an in-shape college athlete when he was dressed in bulky Weeble-like clothing. She caught him quickly and returned the favor. They they laughed out there rolling around in the snow like a couple of polar bears…..one looking like a Weeble.
But as a dad, there is no greater pleasure than watching your kids knock the snot out of each other for fun and not for real. (The latter requires intervention, the prior makes for great blog fodder.)
So the sled is up, the college athlete is worn out and in bed just before 8:30, and the Weeble is looking for someone to watch……”The Polar Express.” It had been a cold day, but a good one. I am very thankful to have been a part…..especially from the inside.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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