Stopping at the North Pole……

Amanda and I met tonight after work, with Ben who I had just picked up, to get a few Christmas gifts at the mall. It was a pretty hectic trip getting there with the traffic and all, but well worth it, in that Ben was able to see Santa for real for the first time. (In prior years he was just not interested)

And, we just happened to be the first in line. Yep, about a 10 minute wait for Ben to go sit on his lap, take a $25,000 picture (not the one you see here that I took for free) and to tell Santa that he wanted a BIG Octopus Prime (because he had just seen one earlier when I was looking for a phone at Frys).
But what was cooler than all of it was to see him just walk up to Santa all by himself. Although he knew him from watching The Polar Express a million times, the PE is still just a cartoon. This was the old man in real life, but he seemed very matter of fact and walked right up to him! He did great, and we have some pictures to prove it.
Unfortunately, Steph and Scott were not there. We were shopping for them, and it just turned out that way. But they already have the pictures……so I suppose it was a pretty great day!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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