Running behind…..

Catching up is not for sissies. I would like to think that I would not be behind at all if it were not for the move (the biggest part of my problem of being behind), but generally things get pretty busy around this time of year anyway. Amanda reminded me that we still have Christmas shopping to do, which as a guy is still difficult to understand with 10 days still to go.

But I am working hard to catch up though. I hope to be able to make progress in the office tomorrow and then spend all of Friday making pastoral calls. I know however that the best intentions sometimes are sometimes thwarted, but that’s the current plan.
In these times however, all we can do is keep running the race. And that is just what I intend to do. It doesn’t help that it is dark all the time, but the cat has offered to tutor me about the nocturnal lifestyle. I am not too hopeful about that, but I do seem to need more time.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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