
Sure I roll the window down and let the dog hang his head out the window in temperatures under 20 when it is just he and I in the car….after all, I am a NORTHERNER. We took Ben to the sitter and then it just made sense. So I hope you enjoy the picture as much as he enjoyed the ride.

But things are different here where it snows, and to be very honest, as a native of a “lake effect” area where it REALLY DOES SNOW, this 2-3 inches of white stuff is really not snow. I consider it both a blessing and a privilege to come from the NORTH, and the really cool part is that when it snows just a few inches I can easily get around because it was like that in JUNE where I grew up.
In all honesty however, I love snow. Sure it is great when it is warm, but much of my childhood revolved around things like ice hockey, skating, and shoveling driveways for money. In truth, those were good times that I do indeed miss, and although I am too old to do most any of them but skate, I I thank God for the memories. They are are real blessing to me.
But for now it appears I am just going to have to live through my dog, but he appears willing to let me do so.
We are kindred spirits, he and I. And although I am sure the people who saw us thought he was nuts, I at least have the better excuse………I was just his driver.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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