Closed today….will return tomorrow morning….

Today was a shut down day. I really have been stressed and not feeling well, and I spent the lion’s share of the day laying low. I really need to do that more often than I do, but sadly I am still not 100% nor am I feeling that great.

Tomorrow morning I will head to Nashville for the 9am service, and to be honest, I am not really sure how long it takes to get there from here. I suppose I will find out, but I really like to know the answers to such questions before starting to drive. Such is the need for order I have post-stroke.
Of course there is Mapquest, but I find that often to be inaccurate. Could it be that I drive too fast, or worse yet too straight? I am not sure, but the lesson in all of it is that I suppose sometimes we just need not worry about the details of the journey as we do just getting on with it. Of course tomorrow I will be on it whether I get my answers pre-trip or not. So I guess it really doesn’t matter. What I find however on days such as these that my mind really has to grasp (sometimes at straws) just to focus. That’s why this blog is such a discipline. It forces me to focus even during the times when I struggle.
Anyway, my attempts tonight at deep and meaningful thoughts are about as likely as the Cubs winning the World Series……and I am a diehard fan. So for now I will just call it a day. Tomorrow will come and I do expect it to be better.
And of course I say that with the delusional optimism of a life-long Cubs fan.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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