I’m just sayin…….

I do not know who coined the phrase “under the weather,” but it certainly does not make any sense, because we are constantly “under the weather,” and the only thing that changes is they type of weather we are under.

But the point is, I still do not feel all that well. I have had a cough for a couple of days and not the kind that feels like I am sick, but the kind that feels as if I have something caught in my throat. Of course “frog in my throat” comes to mind, but I find that even more bizarre than “under the weather.” I mean what do you have to be drinking to compare what you are feeling to a “frog in your throat,” and if you are not drinking, then what type of counselor treats such disorders?
But I expect to be feeling better in “three shakes of a lamb’s tail,” which for those of you who live outside of Indiana that means “soon.” Indiana now unfortunately uses “Daylight Savings Lambs” which means they get up earlier to accommodate farmers and kids getting on the bus, but the concept is still the same. I do not feel good, but expect to feel better soon.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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