Vow of silence…..

Wow, if it were not for all that global warming I would swear it was WINTER….oh yeah, it IS. Our new snow blower got its third full workout on the season’s first day today. Of course it was Scotty at the controls. He loves that thing and does a great job with it. I can’t tell you how much that pleases me too.

And as for me, I have made some progress today, though I am pretty worried about my voice. I can always work with a headache, but a priest without a voice is not a lot of good (although many of them talk too long, so maybe they really might be popular). But with Christmas just a few days away, I would like to have no worries.
Sadly however, I do. I am trying to talk as little as I can, and I am drinking a lot of fluids. As long as I keep at that I am certain I will do fine. At least that’s the plan (and hopefully not the delusion).
So to bed I go. Tomorrow will be lived mostly in silence…….I’m just praying that I do not talk in my sleep!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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