Why why why???

Of course I thought, or better yet assumed, that after I would receive the very first flu shot that I have ever had in my life that it might make me a bit immune…….of course that was wrong. I have been miserable all day (and last night), in bed, and hoping and praying for a great day tomorrow. I rarely ever get sick, but this is exceptionally stressful this week. I missed a good 24 hours I needed to prepare, and will be scrambling, feeling better or not, tomorrow.

So no fancy words of wisdom, or funny posts tonight. I am just hoping to get better. I have already cancelled the 11pm service tomorrow because I am certain I will not have the energy. I have every intention of doing the 8pm one though.
So please keep me in your prayers. I am very frustrated. I want to be better for tomorrow. And God willing, I will be.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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