Still kicking……..and on Christmas Eve!

It seems so hard to imagine that I have missed just about 48 hours of life right before Christmas service, but that is indeed true. I am pretty beat (exhausted), but in just about 7 hours I will preside over one of our many Christmas services. My sermon is finished, the bulletins are done, the parking lot is clear, and if anything gets in the way someone else will just have to deal with it. I am thankful just to make it.

Of course I still need to get there and do it, but after the last couple of days that should be easy. I am no weenie, as they say where I come from, but whatever I had really kicked my butt. My intentions pre-all this were to attend a 5pm at St. Anne’s, and then preside at an 8 and 11 pm at St. Patrick’s…..obviously, I will just be at the one. I am stubborn, but certainly not stupid. I am scheduled to do three services on Sunday, not uncommon for any of us, but if I do not get my energy back it will be a long weekend.
But thanks be to God that I am up and walking! It prevents everyone else from scrambling to cover for me. Keep us all in your prayers too. It is such an important time of year. Jesus truly is the reason for the season.
And as for me, I am thankful I will be at a service tonight explaining that rather than having coffee with Him in heaven. A day ago, I wasn’t so sure!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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