Smelling great……….

I have a confession……..I actually like the cologne that my wife bought me for Christmas, but let’s keep that our little secret, okay?

It actually represents a real breakthrough in our relationship too. For years I have worn stuff that she seems to call “cowboy cologne,” but I like it. I also like the brand that makes the stuff you find in the barbershop….it cost approximately 6 bucks for a 55 gallon barrel too. But I don’t wear any of it because it is cheap (here meaning not costing a lot). I wear it because I like it.
In truth, I would probably get the “willies” if I knew what this bottle of stuff costs. I could ask my barber, but I am sure it would give us both a coronary (here meaning heart attack), plus there are things that real men just do not discuss at the barbershop……fancy cologne is one of them (quiche and ice dancing are two more). But I wore some today and I liked it. Go figure.
But the big joke is that she has not noticed I have it on! She always makes a scene when I am wearing the other, but this appears to do nothing for her at all.
We however are making progress……..because if I find one that works, regardless the cost, I am buying a 55 gallon drum.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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