No rest for the wicker………

Although I have really been trying to rest, or even as they say “take some time off,” today I have been run ragged. I have seen my pillow much less than I have the auto repair technicians (the tires were bad on Amanda’s car and I have to see them again tomorrow), roofers (who I also will see again tomorrow), some of my lacrosse players retired and active (some who are staying the night with Stephanie and I will also see tomorrow), and my family, who I have passed occasionally back and forth dealing with all the other stuff. It doesn’t make for good recovery time (which I need) but hopefully at some point it will all settle down.

The sad part is that I had to cancel a trip up to see my grandma today, and I still have yet to see my mom in the nursing home since Christmas. If I am at at least 70% tomorrow I will go see my mom, and my grandma I might be able to catch at the end of the week. We will see.
But as they say, “there’s no rest for the wicker,” or something like that. I know very little about furniture, and apparently less about rest. Sooner or later though I will break in one direction or another.
I am pulling for recovery. I just do not have the time to keep digging out of this hole!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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