Diagnosis burber…….

Wow, I have been called out onto the carpet……..an infection, imagine that? Not going away on it’s own either……I needed antibiotics. Too bad someone didn’t tell me that before. I probably would have been to the doctor long ago! bwhahaha!

So I guess it is all going to be okay. Sadly however, I need to wait a couple of days before doing any visiting. But the good part is that I have plenty to do. As it turns out, our chimney is probably going to need to be relined, and that means that tomorrow I may indeed meet my very first chimney sweep. AND, if it is Dick Van Dyke I will just explode….after all, I am a huge fan. (If you do not understand that joke, look up “Bye Bye Birdie,” yep a Fr. Dan goose-chase)
But I am really doubtful that it will be him. It is probably just the medicine talking. But it would be cool, wouldn’t it? And what better way to spend an afternoon than with one of your idols!
A guy can dream……
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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