The trouble with good intentions…..

Okay, needless to say my wife was not pleased. I got for her (really, they were not for me) the “nine ladies dancing,” for the ninth day of Christmas and it was embarrassing to ask them to leave. Yep, try and do a good thing……..I guess even the best intentions can go awry.

Of course I should have known. All the birds and livestock do not make for a festive celebration…..especially in a new home, but then again you cannot criticize a guy for trying. I am just trying to be a good guy.
Of course everything is relative. But ultimately I am a man, and therefore used to being wrong, even when I attempt to be right, or even believe myself to be.
But time heals all wounds, and of course ServiceMaster cleans all livestock accidents. Only three more days to go…..and leaping lords, pipers, and drums can’t do that much damage…..can they?
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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