Oh brother…..

I remember warning them both….”beware, after your little brother is born he will invade every part of your life, including your personal space. He will eat every meal you have before you, but not the healthy parts, the good ones like the fries. None of your stuff will be safe, and privacy as you know it will all be disappear.” And of course Stephanie and Scott just laughed it off.

But tonight is the last night of Scott’s Christmas vacation, and apparently “movie night.” Oh no, it is not any movie HE wants, it is something that Ben has chosen. And the picture, if expanded would show a “full-size” couch, but as you can see they are on one small part of it. Ben has already eaten some of Scott’s pizza and if all goes to his little evil plan, he will have his brother for the remainder of the night.
The funny part is that this picture is from their “playroom.” They each have a room and share a “Jack and Jill” bathroom, but have put both their beds in the one room and have this couch and TV and toys in the other room….the “playroom.” They really do think they are hot stuff, and in truth, they are. And in a short while Scott will head off to bed, and Ben will probably snake into his bed with him. You see, he doesn’t just seek to invade space, he ultimately like his mom, seeks heat. It’s all about him, and if you live here you just better be used to it.
But they deserve a bit of fun tonight. Scotty spent a lot of time searching and applying to colleges today. If anyone has about $50,000 lying around that they can send him, let me know. Most of Stephanie’s college is paid for, but Scotty will need some help. Please keep him (and us) in your prayers!
So hopefully the rest of the night will be uneventful. They appear to be enjoying this last night of vacation. I am glad too. Tomorrow Scott begins his very last semester of high school, and the thought of that unsettles me. Sure, with Ben being just three, I will probably have a child at home long after I am dead, but to have both Stephanie and Scott gone will be hard on me, let alone on Amanda and Ben.
But birds leave the nest……tonight I am just a bit saddened that I cannot keep them all forever.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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