If you please……

I am pleased to report that over the last few days I posted my 900th blog. It may have been yesterday, or the day before, but the big news is that I got at least that far. And although at times writing is very challenging for me, the discipline has been a big part of my recovery. If you talked with me in person you would have no idea I have had a stroke. You would instead see me as a typical confused 49 year old married guy…..we are all forgetful, but what about I cannot remember.

But not all of this blog will be pleasing, for this afternoon we got some snow, and it seemed to catch the plows off guard. It was VERY slick, so since I was out at St. Patrick’s today, I decided to head home at about 1:30 and pick up Ben from the sitters on the way. I figured it would be more responsible to get him a few hours early rather than later to avoid the possibility of the roads being worse.
So I picked up Ben…..PRE-nap……and although he was awake, he was not pleased. I tricked him into looking at the camera, but he didn’t speak to me much of the way home. When we arrived, he was then suddenly NOT tired, and still not pleased…this time because he didn’t want or need a nap.
So we watched a few episodes of Transformers (pre-Megan Fox and Even Steven) and then I scratched his back trying to get him to go out. And although I do consider myself a professional parent, all of this (meaning EVERYTHING I tried) did nothing but make ME tired. Now I was not pleased.
How he does what he does I will never know. He fell asleep in my bed with me scratching his back approximately 15 minutes before his mom arrived home, and then they both napped two hours in each others’ arms. Let’s not think he is innocent, because he clearly knows what he is doing. He may have been asleep, but his face had that “who’s the pro now?” look. I am living with a genius I swear.
But the good news is that it is still snowing and we are all safe. I wanted to drive up and visit my grandma tomorrow and see my mom….both for Christmas. Since I have been “not well” these past few weeks I didn’t want to take the chance of exposing them to anything. But I am now fine (the walking has helped clear my lungs) and I was looking forward to it….the snow and ice however will most likely delay those plans for a few days….as it did Viper and I walking today.
So no walk today (Viper is not pleased), and no pleasing anyone else either. But I am not worried. I have progressed a great deal and if I were not so tired I would toast myself for hitting 900. And for that, at least I am pleased.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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