Anniversary Entertainment…….

Today we celebrated the four-year anniversary of our ministry here in central Indiana. There was even a very nice pitch-in following the service there, but one I could not stay for due to a pastoral emergency. But I was told everyone had a marvelous time.

I do have to say that it is quite an accomplishment, and from that one sort of “non-intentional” church plant, many others have sprung. It hardly seems possible that it was four years ago, but then again lots of things hardly seem possible these days, particularly things like I will turn 50 this year.
But after I finished my day, Amanda, Ben, and I were able to join Fr. PT and his wife Jewel for dinner to celebrate. Ben put on my glasses in an attempt to entertain us all, and that’s where the picture comes from. He was very entertaining, far more entertaining than either PT or I, and he was relatively cheap too, in that kid’s meals are next to nothing. That’s how Scotty lost his job as our family dinner entertainer….he switched from the kids mean to the filet.
But the anniversary is finished and we are home and I am looking forward to going to bed. I am beat. From my office however I hear the voice of that “baby turtle” coming from my room.
He’s still funny, but I think his kid’s meal is feeling more like the filet tonight to me…….
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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