Oh….I forgot!!!!!

Wow….what an idiot! I forgot to post the coolest thing that happened last night. I could not take a picture because it was too dark, but it was something that reminded me of why I LOVE living in Indiana.

After dinner at the “Texas Road House” in Anderson, Ben and I left early because there was a policewoman in uniform waiting to be seated for what was probably her lunch. Ben and I went to meet her. He, like all three year olds, is fascinated with the police, and he was more than happy to head her way. Of course when it came down to meeting her, he chickened out and walked right by. However, when I said “I thought you wanted to say hi to her,” he turned right around and told her he was three. And from there you could feel the love.
And suddenly there was another officer who was there to eat with her, and he talked to Ben too. And he was in three year old heaven. But the best was yet to come as we went out toward our car and met the third officer coming in. Ben was VERY excited and said hello. And this officer asked him if he wanted to see his CAR.
Of course Ben said YES. And suddenly there were lights and sirens in the parking lot of the Texas Roadhouse….all courtesy of newly swore in three year old police officer Benjamin Scott Tirman. He couldn’t have been happier.
One of the things that I suddenly realized is a sense of home. There is a real feel about Indiana, and although I had been missing it for many years I felt it then. I grew up in a small town, and was the product of a way of life I often have trouble expressing…..but I saw it and experienced it again last night.
I love it here and I thank God for it. What a blessing and a privilege to see and experience what I did last night!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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