Boxing Day, Tirman Style……..

I am not really all that sure what “Boxing Day” is, but when Ben asked us to be able to take a nap in an old moving box this afternoon, I decided that Boxing Day must have something to do with it. So Ben hauled up the box, his Spiderman pillow, and his Cubs blanket and climbed into the box to take a nap.

It actually reminded me of my cousin Steve, who a few years ago in order to understand homelessness talked about sleeping in a box, I believe in downtown Valparaiso. I am not sure whether he ever did or not, but one thing I can say was that if he did, Ben was much more comfortable. His box was even sprawled upon wall to wall carpeting.
And a good nap it was! He slept about 3 hours and when he awoke, he was very proud of himself. Apparently it is a big accomplishment to sleep in a box for so long, and I really wasn’t aware of that because the only mammal I ever saw do such a thing was the cat, but she can sleep anywhere.
So as they say, everything is clearer in hindsight, and knowing what I learned today I would have forgone the crib and the beds I have bought him and just grabbed a box from somewhere.
Lord knows he likes my bed better than his own anyway….and in truth, I think his cost more.
Oh well, live and learn.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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