Coincidence….I swear!

(YES, this is an old picture)

It is all a coincidence I swear. I will be leaving for Peoria, Illinois tomorrow morning, and it just happens to be the same day that my Mother-in-Law is coming for a 11 day visit. It seems that a lot of people are questioning my integrity on this one, but I in fact am leaving for work.

I am a priest, and no where near being a Bishop (nor would I want to be) but it was the bishop who scheduled the ordination I am heading to tomorrow. And sure, I know he and I are friends, and I know that some may say, “I bet he paid Doc to schedule then,” but nope…it was all his idea. If the truth be known, I will be happy to attend the ordination, but would have been happy to see my Mother-in-Law too.
Yes, I am one of those guys who gets along with his…….we actually like each other. But really, who wouldn’t want me to marry their daughter? Amanda was a real mess, and is still a work in progress. And I am sure everyone who knows her is thinking, “yeah, thank God for him in her life.” She is one blessed woman. (Yep we will see if she really reads these blogs like she says she does or not, won’t we?)
But I will be home soon enough and get plenty of family time……not with Ben, mind you. Because with his “Nanny” around there is really no use in even trying to get his attention. Nothing is closer than a boy and his grandma!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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