O Peoria, who’d-a-thought……..

Well, it finally happened. I finally was part of a service more mind-blowing than my previous record, which was in 1987.

Tonight, in St. Andrew’s Anglican Church in Peoria, we ordained Greg Lynn to the Diaconate. And what made this mind-blowing was that my boss, an Anglican Mission Bishop, had invited the Diocesan Bishop of Quincy to come and take part. St. Andrew’s is in the Diocese of Quincy, and it was a delight to be a part of two bishops sending forth a young man into the ordained ministry. BUT the Bishop of Quincy is the Abbot of a monastery not far from there and he brought some of the brothers and TWO other bishops. That’s right, four bishops, which if you were playing chess would be a complete set, and something I had never seen or been a part of.
Now of course everyone commented about how special it was that Greg had four bishops there, not once considering that perhaps he needed them. But rather than digress into a discussion of Greg’s needs, let me say that it was just an amazing time, and I was not just blessed by it, we ALL were. And Greg is now ordained and is heading toward launching a church that the people of Peoria will be blessed by too. He is a quality guy with a great wife and kids. It has been a wonderful evening, so it is off to bed so I can get up and drive home tomorrow.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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