Moving down in the polls……

I love my kids, but when there is a grandma around I do not get as much time. As an example, I was following Ben to get this picture, but he really just wants to hang with Nanny. And even at dinner, though I was gone the last couple of days, he protested sitting by me, choosing (but not getting) instead his Nanny and Mommy.

But thus is the life of a dad. At one point in your life, your wife, who is then your girlfriend, hangs on your every word…..but suddenly a few years later, no one really listens at all, and your rank goes from number one to somewhere in the teens, even behind the dog and the cat. As an example, I am here in my office typing this while everyone else is downstairs……even “man’s best friend,” that traitor the dog. He has probably had 10 biscuits today and all of them from me. Does he remember? Nope, not even him.
But I am not bitter nor even surprised. It is the life I expected. Being a dad is a great honor and privilege and even though there is occasional “rank loss,” if you are faithful and steady sooner or later things come back around. After all, Amanda throws like a girl and in a few years he will tire of that. And sometime tomorrow that traitor is going to want to go for a walk, or better yet need another biscuit. The cat just uses me like all cats use everyone. (Cats are always 1-10 in their own book), so I will not worry. And sooner or later I will be the grandpa and everyone will love me again.
Because as I said, I am not bitter, but I will remember. I won’t be giving them a thing, but I intend to spoil the daylights out of my grand kids!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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