A boring boring post…..

Well it is 10 o’clock and Ben is in MY bed with his mom, Scott and the dog are in the basement playing music, my mother-in-law is in her room getting ready for bed, and the cat would have abandoned me too if it were not for the cat treats I keep in my office. (I particularly like them because I cannot find them in my calorie book, so I figure they do not count for me.)

But in truth, it has been a long day. Today we attended the funeral of the father of our Board President, Sarah Crowmer. Her father Milton had fought Alzheimer’s for over 10 years. Her mom died 5 years ago, and it was hard to see her so broken up. She is like a sister to me, and she is Ben’s Godmother. I just ask your prayers for her and her family. She is a pretty good egg, and like I said like a sister to me…….a much older sister. (see, we are like siblings)
So tomorrow morning I am scheduled in Nashville, and I am looking forward to it. I was originally scheduled in Kokomo, but I am going up there for a particular event this time, so we postponed it a week. I love being able to see all the people in all our missions. It is one of the blessings of my position.
But for now it is just the cat and I eating these treats. I am making sure she eats all the seafood ones since I am allergic, and it appears to be about as wild as I will get to be tonight. Oh if only reality TV would do a show on us!
Of course it would have to be done filming pretty early……..we are obviously not a very exciting group of guys.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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