Tails (yes it is spelled wrong) from the dog house…..

Ben wanted to “save big money at Menard’s” tonight, and so Amanda and her mom reluctantly took him along on their shopping trip. (Amanda was the reluctant one, his grandma would take him anywhere) But since Scotty was at work, and while I was alone, I thought I would earn some “brownie points” (which I do not know why they are so important to earn, especially since I was kicked out of the Boy Scouts before even making “tenderfoot”) by cleaning the kitchen while everyone was gone.

But shortly after I got the dishwasher running I remembered that my mother-in-law wanted to buy another Roma tomato, which I thought was something they might forget, so I called them. And sadly I discovered that my night was going to be a rough one.
If you have been a husband and a father for any length of time you will know that when your child, and it doesn’t matter which child, is causing problems for your spouse it will be YOU who will be in trouble. Sadly the misbehaving is ALWAYS blamed on genetics and the misbehaving parts of your children will always be attributed to YOUR DNA and not your spouse’s. And if I thought there was a chance to argue that point I just might, but who would be dumb enough to argue with a scientist.
So when I called out of courtesy to talk about produce it was clear that it was my DNA that was wailing in the closed confines of the car at whatever location they were. And my wife, who is generally very pleasant (always when sleeping and most of the time while awake) was quite curt to me on the phone. But in all honesty, it was probably her fault. I am sure he probably just saw some $250 Transformer at the Wal-Mart and she selfishly probably bought all of us food instead. She can be like that, an unreasonable tyrant at times I swear.
So the dog house will house more than the dog this evening. And actually, if the truth be known, the dog hardly sleeps in it at all (he is a 1st class show dog with good DNA). But when tomorrow comes Ben will be all full of hugs and kisses and his crimes will be forgotten. But I will just stay here in the dog house waiting for him to return.
I really tire of all the travel, and to be honest, it’s not so bad when you get used to it.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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