Manly things……

Although I have been away ALL DAY, Ben has had his mom and his Nanny hopping all day long. In preparation of getting his picture taken tomorrow morning he went to get his first haircut. It was something that did not make me too happy, in that I am a man and I believe men go to a thing we call BARBERS, and barbers work in BARBERSHOPS.

Of course, my barbers (Chuck and Tony) and I lost out, because Ben ended up going to a place they call “Cookie Cutters,” which apparently is a place where they put you in a plastic car, let you watch cartoons and then cut your hair crooked with cooking utensils. Oh yes, AND they charge you too.
As you can tell, I am not a fan of the commercialization of tradition. The same guys cut my hair and even though I have moved about 25 miles away, they will continue to. Scott gets his hair cut there, and soon Ben will. A barber to a man is a very personal thing, and the barbershop is an important place in our lives. Sure there are guys who like to have the young ladies cut their hair, but I have no interest in watching women or cartoons, and I am going to get my haircut, not to go someplace that smells like flowers or where they give you water in a wine glass.
But he will get to my barber soon enough. There are just some things that I need to see him do!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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