Hangin with the peep…….

Well well well…..my wife and Mother-in-law (yes, I always capitalize it….she tells me to) are out for the night at Beef and Boards, which although I am not sure, but think is some type of restaurant/lumber yard. But regardless, they are gone, so my plans were to hang out with the boys (Ben and Scott) for the evening.

Unfortunately however, Scott called and let me know he had lacrosse practice tonight just leaving Ben and I alone. Oh no, I am not scared at all. He and I have a lot of fun together and the only time I worry about my demise is when he sees his mom and thinks he can have her all to himself. There are two points I want to make about this though….1) I am safe because of the principle of 3 year olds “out of sight out of mind,” and 2) he has my permission to have her all to himself because when she sees me she just gives me stuff to do and I am tired.
But regardless, we have been having fun. He has been giving me the business all night and just playing hard. He has already worn out the dog, which regular readers know is not that big a feat (it could be done by someone in a coma) and has made the cat go into hiding. His “bedtime” is in 5 minutes (8:30 EST) but being the nice guy I am I may fudge that a bit (like 8:28 or 8:29). Oh I kid…..I just have fun with him, so I am not too concerned. He will go to bed soon though.
So my hangin-time (yep I am hip, groovy, and all that) is just about done, but I will just have to deal with it. Youngsters these days need to get their sleep and it is really vital to make sure that they are not being grouchy the next day.
So that’s why I am heading to bed. Ben will just have to fend for himself.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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