Telling it like it is……..

Amanda held her first Thirty-one party tonight and Ben and I hung out a few miles away at the Panera until it was over.  Yes, we were her chauffeurs.

Thirty-one is an interesting thing.  Amanda does not need to be any more busy as she has more than a full-time position with her company,
but she bought some of their stuff last year, and heard about their company (it is a Christian company that makes bags for women based on Proverbs 31) and she was just drawn to it.  She loves the stuff and she seems very excited about doing it.  And of course when that happens, we just stay out of the way.  We are all just thankful that it is not some home project!

But Ben and I had a few hours to kill so we first went to the Sam’s Club in Greenwood where I was surprised that were were not kicked out or arrested as we appeared to be the only people in the store not wearing Indianapolis Colts gear.  (It really was eerie)  But we made it out of there alive somehow and headed for the nearest Panera where he swore he would not just look at his Ipad, but eat dinner. (Incidentally he was wrong and ended up with his Ipad next to me while I watched him wolf down his food.

The interesting part was that I programed in our family in his contacts, and what tonight’s picture is showing is he and his grandma Skyping after he had eaten.  He did not disappoint.  During dinner I could hardly hear him.  He was mumbling.  But when he was Skying EVERYONE heard him.  Six year olds have some sort of sensor that kicks up their volume in small or public places and another sensor that sees you concentrating and then takes away their ability to be quiet, even when you plead, threaten, or bribe.  Now I am sure I never did such things at six and you could ask my mom if she were still living, or my dad, but at 77 we will just label him confused on such questions.  After all, I remember it like yesterday.

But the day is done, we are home and as I type this we are less than 10 hours from sending Scotty back off to Camp Pendleton in California.  The next time he will be home for sure is before the wedding. Steph will have graduated college by then and it is up in the air as to where she will be.  Home would be great, but I remember that choice not even being on my radar after graduating….by my choice.  I wanted to “superesse diem” (survive the day)

But it will all work itself out in the end I suppose, and in all these things I am but a helper……In the words of Mongo “I am just a pawn in the game of life.”  So be it.  At least I can get five hours sleep tonight.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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