In the fire……

I know there is a lot of snow on the ground, but personally feel like things are on fire. And since I am not a young man anymore, I want you to know that I rarely panic in times like these but take them as times to pay closer attention to what is going on and move ahead. Some of my best decisions/life choices have been made in the midst of a fire, and although I am not certain any of this will lead to that, I am paying close attention.

I would say, “that’s why I am paid the big bucks,” but of course I have not made a lot of money since I gave up male modeling years ago. No, I am not living the monastic life of chastity or poverty, well at least not poverty, but my personal existence is pretty humble. Yea, I live in a nice house that pretty much my wife paid for, but I drive a small regular car, I wear jeans and t-shirts, I do not surround myself with possessions, and all of that is because I have found that those things often get in the way of seeing clearly.
Flames and smoke can cloud clarity too, but flames can purify as well. And, I am contemplating what all this means at this particular point in my life.
So please keep me in your prayers. I do believe that for now I am right where I belong.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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