Ho Ho Ho…..

Amanda has been out of commission all day today with a migraine, and I have been working and in meetings much of the day. I am so thankful that my mother-in-law has been here to hang with Ben, because had she not been here today the day would have been far different. Most kids do better after a nap, but Ben was a real pain. Apparently he has developed a “HoHo” dependency and we are currently looking for a treatment center for him. Nanny and I had to tag-team him into submission for dinner and things seemed to be going well until his mom appeared angrily in the doorway.

The good news is that we are back down to Defcon 3 here at the house and everything seems to be back to its normal tension. As for me, I am over the top, as the vodka tonic I have had has taken me beyond my reasonable judgement tonight and I must confess I find that unfortunate. But I am just talking with my mother-in-law in the living room, and I trust her to tell me if I am a goofball…at least more than I usually she thinks I am!
Off to bed for me! Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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