
I guess things were as back to normal as they always are here. Ben actually went to the sitter today, Scott was at school, Amanda was at work, my mother-in-law was in Kansas, and the dog and cat were here at home. I cannot deny that it all felt a bit odd. Life isn’t always what I should expect most days…..but today it was.

Of course that just means I was waiting for the “shoe to drop,” which I really have no clue what the meaning of that is, but just know it is appropriate in these situations. But much to my surprise nothing really happened, and I have made it through this day apparently unscathed.
You will hear no disappointment in my voice about that either. I am no masochist. I do occasionally need some non-eventful days to make the others more “blog worthy.” And today was one for the record books…… dull, dull, dull. Duller in fact than watching Ben Stein sleep in a chair.
So I am raring for something to do, but my wife has been in her pajamas since 6:00 pm. Yep, it is a wild life I am living for sure.
But as I said, it is normal for here, so I am used to it.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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