In a fowl mood……….

Yep, I am not chicken to say it, but I have been in a foul mood all day. No it’s not the snow, or the ice, or the freezing temperatures, or the fact that we are all trapped here together, or the realization that this will last for days, or my stupid phone not working, or my stupid computer, or that my computer/phone cords have walked off, or that I have literally ripped apart the house to find them, or that in attempting to have Ben help me repair a piece of furniture my wife bought that broke, I slipped and damaged it again, or that he told on me…….in fact, I am at a loss as to why. It seems this day has been all bunnies and flowers.

But the sad part of such a day is that one has to live with oneself, which I suppose is something I should add to that list. About a third of the way into the day I began to be a bad guy to hang with…..even for myself. But I do not suppose it will matter too much though, because I have already had enough, and probably everyone around here has had enough of me. So I shall cut my losses (there have been many today) and call it a day.
The nice part about heading to bed is the dreams. Since my stroke I have vivid ones too. SO I am praying for a relaxing time in some exotic place or an F-16 with lots of ammo to blow something up. Either will suit me…….after all, I am in a foul mood and have had a bad day!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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