Relaxing as a discipline….okay, I am hiding…..

Of course I thought of posting the same post as I did last year on Groundhog Day (they are delicious!) as an ongoing deep joke, but I already have a few years of different posts on them…oh well.

One of the best parts of a big home is that there are plenty of places to hide, but one of the downsides of being snowed in together is that even a big house gets smaller, especially when one of you is 3. So we have survived yet another day, but our driveway, let alone our streets are still a mess. School has already been cancelled for tomorrow…..meaning Scotty and all the others will walk across to receive a blank diploma this year, but will receive them after making up the last day of school post-graduation. I didn’t even know they were already behind.

But the good news, if not great news, is that despite all the storms and such we have power still AND, we have not killed each other. I will say that although I do love my office, I really need to move out into the house after this. I have been in here a little too long….but on the upside I have accomplished a lot.
Ben, Amanda and Scott are watching a movie and I am, as they say, “just vegging out.” I finally opened a bottle of the Malbec wine we were given as a gift for Christmas, and it has been a wonderful way to end this day. Sure, I can think of plenty more wonderful ways to end one’s day, but at my age if you do not finish the day with some sort of back pain or hospital visit, a glass of wine can be a big boost!
But for now I am relaxing amidst the clutter. Our new furnace is in, and we are now waiting for the chimney liner to be installed. With all the ice needing to melt I am guessing that will take place sometime in August. But until then, all the stuff in my closet remains out in my office. After the liner is installed I will repaint the closet and load all the stuff back up in it. I just can’t now because the plaster needs to dry out more and can’t until the liner is in. The cool part is that I have learned a lot about something I had not before. PLUS, I will watch closely and learn how to line a chimney! Woo hoo! (No, that is not the wine…..learning that really does excite me.)
So I will just hurry up and wait I guess…..and relax. It is an awesome night!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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